Self Care is not selfish.

Authour: Adaam Sise

Lets begin with a look at the dictionary:
Being Selfish means there's a desire to take from others, often to their detriment. However, Self-care is about replenishing your resources without depleting someone else's.

What we perceive as being selfish:

  • Saying no.

  • Having boundaries and setting them firm.

  • Expressing our opinion.

  • Self-care.

What actually is selfish:

  • Being inconsiderate about others and unempathetic towards them.

  • Taking resources from other people.

The importance of Self Care:

Self-care is often seen by others as selfish because we’ve been taught to take care of others before we take care of ourselves. But, what many fail to realise is that self-care is incredibly crucial for a healthy life. Women especially are often obligated to be caretakers and put others before themselves.

Shifting the balance from caring for everyone else to caring for yourself can feel uncomfortable for many women. But, if you don’t properly care for yourself, your body will let you know.Stress can really harm your health, with research showing how it can weaken the immune system and inflame the body, making us more susceptible to colds, weight gain, sleep issues, stomach ulcers, depression, diabetes and heart disease.


Practical ways to practice self care:

  • Commit to doing something purely for a self-care benefit at least once a week — although investing at least 15 minutes daily would be better.

  • Keep a “self-care journal” and record the steps you are taking each day to recharge and replenish.

  • Practice healthy eating and make sure you are drinking enough water daily.

  • Meditate! It has so many benefits for our mental and physical body, and it is free!

  • If you work in an intense environment or are a student with many deadlines, having a schedule and adding structure to your day really helps!


Masculinisation of Black Women